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What Are the Advantages of Land Surveying?

For any building project and purchase of new land, land surveying is an essential part of the process. Landowners and property developers should arrange to have in-depth surveys to guarantee that there are no surprises that could end up being costly.

The most common reason for needing a land survey is for legal purposes to clearly map out property boundaries. A survey will give you peace of mind and security should there ever be any disputes. Land surveys provide a thorough map of the given area, providing topographical data regarding the land’s natural features as well as ascertaining the condition of man-made structures.

SUMO services conduct a number of different types of land survey, using cutting edge technology such as the very latest Total Stations available on the market.  We also offer aerial surveys to give a broader picture of the land that you’ve purchased. 

Once you have finalised the purchase of new land, it makes sense to know every detail of what the land entails. Land surveying is a critical process that supports property management, legal compliance, construction, environmental protection, and urban planning, delivering benefits to the landowner. Land surveying offers several significant advantages, both in practical and legal terms. This article lists out the different advantages and why land surveying is such an important part of construction. 

1. Accurate Physical Property Boundaries:

Land surveying provides precise measurements of property extents, which can assist resolving disputes between neighbours and ensuring that land is used and built upon correctly. A land surveyor will use historical records as well as take accurate measurements to mark out the physical extents of the property. Accurate surveys are a critical part of a  customer legal teams documentation, providing evidence of the physical property extents in property disputes and ensuring compliance with the local authority. When dividing land into smaller plots, surveys are necessary to create new, legally recognized property boundaries.

2. Construction and Development:

Surveys are essential for planning construction projects. They provide crucial data, helping developers understand the topography, soil condition, and other physical features of the land, which are vital for project planning and execution. They help in designing building structures, roads, and utilities, ensuring that these are positioned correctly and safely. 

3. Property Value Determination:

A survey can provide a clear understanding of properties land dimensions and features, which helps in accurately determining the property’s value for sale or purchase. Having a survey puts you in a stronger position to negotiate on the sale. Part of the terms of the deal could ensure that the existing owner rectifies the risk before signing over the deeds. 

4. Environmental Preservation

Land surveying helps in identifying natural features like wetlands, flood zones, and protected areas, ensuring that development is environmentally sustainable and compliant with regulations. A surveyor will also be able to confirm whether trees on the land are protected by the Forestry Commission. 

5. Risk Management:

By providing detailed information on land features and boundaries, surveys help in mitigating risks associated with construction, such as ensuring buildings are not placed in hazardous areas. Being aware of any potential risks puts you in a better position to manage the problem. Part of a land survey will also determine the risks of flooding. If the land is on a floodplain, a topographical survey will map out the depth of the water table and assist in securing control measures to protect the property.

6. Local Infrastructure Planning

Surveys assist in urban planning, infrastructure development, and public works projects, ensuring that developments are sustainable and beneficial to the community. Surveys are essential for public land usage and ensuring all public spaces are safe and compliant. Surveys identify any existing right-of-ways, which are essential for ensuring access and usage rights are respected and maintained.

How to Get Started with Arranging a Land Survey 

The first step is getting a quote from an engineer. At SUMO Services, we carry out free survey quotations and will provide clear guidance on the process as well as what to expect from the service. We can arrange for a variety of different surveys depending on the purpose and results you’re after. Our team of experienced engineers use the latest surveying technologies and techniques to accurately record data. Whether the purpose is for a house purchase or for a new development project, we can assist with uncovering any secrets hidden underground. 

Our team operates country-wide so if you need a survey, simply request a quotation here. We are also more than happy to answer any questions about our services.

You can give us a call on 0845 456 1104.

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