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SUMO Air Space - Interior Photography and Photogrammetry

The latest from SUMO GeoSurveys, providing a range of aerial and geospatial surveys using drones, known commercially as UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems).

Photogrammetry: the inside scoop!

UAS are a versatile tool for creating a visual record of features such as landscapes and buildings, however their application isn’t restricted to the outdoors. Subjects within buildings can also be recorded to produce high resolution orthographic photos and 3D models, as well as capturing general photos and video, no matter the weather!

Above: Example orthographic elevation of an internal wall.


SUMO GeoSurveys use a selection of cameras to safely and effectively conduct interior photogrammetry surveys. These include a mini UAS with propeller guards, a DSLR mounted on a telescopic mast or held manually, and a gimble-mounted handheld camera.

Photos are captured in a methodical grid with an overlap of >60%, enabling the images to be stitched together in photogrammetric software back in the office.

All images are captured with the same quality ensuring a high-resolution output.

Above: Example orthographic photos of two indoor murals.

General photos and video can be captured to inform stock listings and asset inspections, while orthographic photos can be scaled in CAD to support architectural planning and design. Furthermore, our in-house illustrators can produce detailed stone-by-stone or line drawings, if required.

Above: Photo inside a warehouse captured with a UAS.

3D Models


Photogrammetry can also be used to generate 3D models, from vast indoor spaces (such as factory floors, warehouses and distribution centres) for design, planning, asset recording and general viewing, including simulated walk-throughs. These can be supplied via a link to an online viewing platform or as an independent file in various formats, thereby enabling remote parties to access and visualise the subject without physically visiting it.

Point cloud data can be combined with terrestrial MBS to fill in hard-to-reach areas where a laser scanner can’t reach.

Above: Snapshot of an interior 3D model of a historic home.


Interior UAS photography and photogrammetry is a flexible, cost-effective, and high quality method of recording the internal structures and features of your assets, which don’t rely on good weather/flying conditions, and can be programmed to meet your needs.


Want to learn more?

Please pick up the phone and speak to Simon Batsman on

07542 602101

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