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Health and Safety Policy Statement

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement of SUMO Limited

The policy extends to SUMO Services Ltd, All Companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of SUMO Ltd.

Our statement of general policy is:

  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;

  • To consult with our Employees on matters affecting their health and safety;

  • To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;

  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances;

  • To provide information instruction and supervision for Employees;

  • To ensure all Employees are competent to do their tasks, and to provide adequate training;

  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;

  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions;

  • To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals

  • To provide sufficient financial and/or necessary resources for Health & Safety


Directors Responsibilities

The directors of the SUMO Group recognise their legal responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 as follows:

  • Maximise the well-being and productivity of all people working for an organisation;

  • Prevent people being injured becoming ill or killed through work activities;

  • Improve the organisation’s reputation in the eyes of customers, competitors, suppliers, other stakeholders and the wider community;

  • Avoid damaging effects on turnover and profitability;

  • Encourage better relationships with contractors and more effective contracted activities;

  • Minimise the likelihood of prosecution and consequent penalties.


The board accepts formally and publicly its collective role in providing health and safety leadership for the SUMO Group.


Each member of the board accepts their individual role in providing health and safety leadership for the SUMO Group.

The board will ensure that all board decisions reflect its health and safety intentions, as articulated in the health and safety policy statement.


The board recognises its role in engaging the active participation of workers in improving health and safety.


The board will ensure that it is kept informed of and alert to, relevant health and safety risk management issues.


The board will ensure that sufficient resources will be made available to maintain and improve on health & safety throughout the Group (including training, equipment, certification, etc).

Roles & Responsibilities

1. Responsibilities for Health & Safety

1. The Managing Director of the SUMO Group has final responsibility for health and safety.


2. Each individual Group Company’s Director has the day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is implemented.


3. To ensure health and safety standards are maintained and/or improved, the following people have responsibility in the following areas:


Operations & site safety - As per Health & Safety Group Organisational Chart
Site safety - All SUMO Group Employees working on site
Site safety audits - External Consultant or as per Health & Safety Group. Organisational Chart & Internal H&S Manager
Office premises health & safety - As per Health & Safety Organisational Chart

4.   All Employees must:

  • Co-operate with Supervisors and Managers on health and safety matters.

  • Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety.

  • Take reasonable care of their personal health and safety.

  • Report all health & safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy).

  • Take reasonable care to ensure the safety of others.


2. Health and safety risks arising from our work activities

  • Site risk assessments are the responsibility of the appropriate Departmental Manager and individual SUMO Group Employee as appropriate.

  • The findings of the risk assessments will be reported to the appropriate Departmental Manager who will approve the action required to remove and/or control risks.

  • Generic Risk Assessments are the responsibility of a suitably qualified Manager

  • The appropriate Departmental Manager and all SUMO Group Employees will be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented.

  • The appropriate Departmental Manager will check that the implemented actions have removed/reduced the risks.  All SUMO Group Employees have a duty to comply with revised procedure.

  • Site personnel are required to carry out dynamic risk assessments on arrival at site and throughout their working day; if additional risks, not identified in the generic or site specific Risk Assessment are identified, they are required to complete the Dynamic Risk Assessment Sheet found in the RAMS. If the risk is one they do not feel they can confidently and safely assess they are required to cease work, notify the office and await further instructions.

  • Assessments will be reviewed annually or when work activity changes, whichever is soonest.


3. Consultation with Employees

  • All Employees are consulted individually on all relevant Health and Safety matters.

  • Consultation with Employees is the responsibility of the appropriate Departmental Manager


4. Safe Plant and Equipment

  • The appropriate Departmental Manager is responsible for ensuring effective maintenance procedures are issued to all SUMO Group Employees. The appropriate Departmental Manager will check that new plant & equipment meets health & safety standards before it is purchased and on receipt will conduct a risk assessment, recording findings and implementing control measures as necessary.

  • All SUMO Group Employees are responsible for identifying when the plant & equipment they use requires maintenance and for implementing the maintenance.

  • Any safety issues found on plant & equipment must be reported to the appropriate Departmental Manager & Risk Assessments updated accordingly


5. Safe Handling and use of Substances

  • The appropriate Departmental Manager is responsible for identifying and undertaking assessments on all substances that need a COSHH assessment and check new substances can be used safely before they are purchased.

  • The appropriate Departmental Manager is responsible for ensuring that all actions identified in the COSHH assessment are implemented and all relevant Employees are informed.

  • Assessments will be reviewed annually or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.


6. Information, Instruction and Supervision

  • The Health & Safety Law Poster is displayed at the relevant offices in a prominent place.

  • Health and safety advice is available from the H&S Manager at Head Office or Consultant.

  • Supervision of young workers and trainees must be undertaken and monitored by the appropriate Departmental Manager.

  • The appropriate Departmental Manager is responsible for ensuring that SUMO Group Employees working at locations under the control of other employers are given relevant health and safety information including site specific risk assessments and method statements


7. Competency for Tasks and Training

  • Induction training for all SUMO Group Employees will be conducted by a member of Management

  • Relevant Departmental Managers provide job specific training.

  • Training records are kept by each office with copies sent to head office.

  • Training is identified arranged, and monitored by each individual Head Office.


8. Accidents, First Aid and Work Related Ill Health

  • The First Aid Box is located at Reception in each individual Head Office. All SUMO Group vehicles are equipped with individual first aid boxes.

  • The full HSE first aider(s) are:

  • Director – Ian Worsfold. See Training Matrix for all individually appointed First Aiders

  • All accidents and cases of work related ill health are recorded in the accident book.  The book is kept at Reception at each individual Head Office

  • The appropriate Departmental Manager is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrence to the enforcing authority

  • All SUMO Group Subcontractors are advised to undertake first aid training independently


9. Monitoring

  • To check our working conditions and ensure our safe working practices are being followed we undertake safety audits on the premises and on the staff at each individual Office, and all SUMO Group Surveyors as appropriate.

  • The appropriate Departmental Manager is responsible for investigating accidents.

  • Relevant Departmental Managers are responsible for investigating work-related causes of sickness absence, who will report them to a Director.

  • The Directors are responsible for implementing procedures to prevent recurrence of work related sickness and or absence.


10. Emergency Procedures – Fire and Evacuation

  • Each individual Group Companies Director is responsible for ensuring the Fire Risk Assessment is undertaken and implemented.

  • Escape routes are checked by an appointed person monthly.

  • Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked annually.

  • Alarms are tested on a weekly basis & Emergency evacuation is tested periodically.

  • All staff undertake either Fire Awareness or Fire Warden training


Health and Safety Procedures

1. Accident Reporting

All accident and incidents must be notified to the appropriate Departmental Manager by completing the form AR/SUMO-2.  All SUMO Group Employees are provided with a supply of these forms which must be held in the office and carried in vehicles at all times.

2. Alcohol, Drugs, Solvents & Glues

The SUMO Group is committed to seeking to safeguard the health, safety and well being of all SUMO Group Employees and to ensure that work activities and their environment are not impaired by the abuse of alcohol, drugs, solvents or glues.


If you drink off-duty, it should be to an extent that it does not impair work performance or conduct. Any member of staff whose work performance or conduct is adversely affected by alcohol consumption, drugs, solvents or glues may be subject to action under our disciplinary procedures.


We encourage you to seek help if you have an alcohol or drugs-related problem and to seek advice on the assistance available.

If a manager observes that someone has a dependence problem, or information comes to light through the disciplinary procedure or by other means, the manager should encourage them to seek help. If managers require assistance, they should speak to the H&S Manager.


Although Sumo’s intention is to help employees with substance abuse problems, we will take disciplinary action, including dismissal, for the following serious offences:

  • Possessing, using or selling illicit drugs on Sumo premises, the premises of a regulated organisation and also at any other event when representing Sumo;

  • Working under the influence of alcohol such as to impair performance or conduct; drinking alcohol on Sumo premises other than when authorised by management;

  • Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, solvents, glues or other prescribed substances which impair performance or conduct whilst at work (including attending any event, whether social or otherwise at Sumo premises or elsewhere).


If an employee refuses to accept referral to specialist help, we may initiate disciplinary action.


If you relapse into dependency after the course of treatment has been completed, you will be given the opportunity to take further treatment. If this help is refused or your performance or action is unacceptable, disciplinary action will be taken.


Line management is responsible for monitoring the performance and health of employees who have undergone successful treatment for an alcohol or drug problem. If you need further help on keeping alcohol, drugs, solvents or glues out of your life, you should speak in confidence to your line manager, the H&S Manager or seek further help from an external source.


3. Asbestos


The SUMO Group carries out non intrusive surveying activities which have no impact on the fabric of any structure, there is however a risk of working in an internal space where a third party may cause a disturbance or lifting covers exposing ducts which may have asbestos containing material. Therefore all Surveyors undergo Asbestos Awareness Training. If asbestos is suspected in an area where works are being carried out employees are to cease works immediately and contact both the site contact and office. See Training Matrix for details staff that have undergone training.


4. Confined Spaces


The law only permits working in confined spaces after specialised training.  SUMO Group policy is that we will NOT enter a confined space.  See Appendix 1.0 for more detail on confined spaces.


5. Construction Site Safety


The Company does not manage or control site safety on the Client’s site.  SUMO Group Employees must attend any compulsory site safety induction and/or training the Client provides on the site or in advance of starting work on the site. SUMO Group Employees must be aware of the Client’s health and safety procedures and comply with these while on site.


Where SUMO Group operations restrict access for the Client’s customers and/or Employees and which may affect health and safety, SUMO Group Employees will liaise with the Client to ensure the Client is aware of any restriction and subsequent risk. SUMO Group Employees will ensure that all work areas are adequately signed, guarded and policed by sufficient equipment and/or people.




All Original COSHH assessments for hazardous substances are kept at the relevant individual Office and are monitored by the appropriate Departmental Manager.  All SUMO staff are issued with updated copies of the COSHH assessments as part of the annual Health & Safety policy review, or as and when new/revised assessments are introduced.


Copies of the COSHH assessments are included with the method statement and risk assessment issued to site staff and clients for each work package.


At no time is any SUMO Group Employee to handle, or give instructions for any other person to handle hazardous materials without prior consultation with the appropriate authority from the appropriate Departmental Manager.


Crop Sprayers should not post pose any significant risks to persons outside the boundary of the field being sprayed, however if in doubt cease work and contact the office for further advice as it may be necessary to contact the client or farmer to obtain a copy of the COSHH Assessment.


For further guidelines please refer to: HSE Publication INDG136rev2.


Currently SUMO uses no hazardous substances other than bio degradable spray paint which is stored as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Empty Aerosols are disposed of via a registered waste carrier and official waste disposal records are available.


7. Display Screen Equipment (DSE)


The SUMO Group comply with VDU Regulations; training & risk assessments are carried out.

For further information see: Working with VDUs HSE publication INDG173


8. Emergency Procedures


SUMO Group Employees should be aware of the following Emergency Procedures:

  • Stop work and leave the building/site IMMEDIATELY when the fire alarm sounds or when you are instructed to do so in an emergency situation.

  • Follow instructions, avoid panic, and cooperate with those responding to the emergency.

  • Do NOT delay your exit from the building/site by looking for belongings or other people.

  • Proceed to the designated or nearest exit.

  • After leaving the building/site, go to a clear area well away from the building/site or to the nearest designated Assembly Point

  • Do not re-enter the building/site until instructed by a fire safety officer or fire/rescue worker when it is safe to do so


9. Fire


SUMO Group Employees should be aware of the Fire Emergency Procedures.

On discovering a fire you should:

  • If it is a small fire that can be tackled without risk to yourself or others, you can attempt to extinguish it using the correct fire extinguisher if you have undergone the relevant training.

  • If the fire cannot be extinguished using fire extinguishers Raise the Alarm and Dial 999 and give the Emergency Services the location of the fire.

  • Follow the Emergency Procedures as above.


Use the correct fire extinguisher. The main types of extinguisher are:

  • Water : Solids, wood, paper, textiles

  • CO2 : Electrical, flammable liquids

  • Dry Powder : Electrical, flammable liquids

  • Foam : Flammable liquids


Remember it can be dangerous to use the wrong fire fighting equipment and tackle a blaze that you cannot cope with – WHEN IN DOUBT LEAVE THE FIRE AND EVACUATE.


10. First Aid


The priorities for First Aid are:

  • Access the situation and identify the injury or illness.

  • Call the First Aider or the Appointed Person or the Emergency Services if necessary.

  • Check for dangers e.g. fire, falling objects, electricity. Do not put yourself at risk.

  • Remain with the casualty, give emergency aid and assure the patient that help is on the way.

  • Do not move the patient or offer drinks as this could make the injuries worse.


First Aiders:


HSE First Aiders: Ian Worsfold
All site personnel are Appointed Persons First Aid trained
Minimum of 1 office based Appointed Person First Aid trained employee at each individual Office.


For further guidelines please refer to HSE publications INDG214/INDG347


First Aid Box


The First Aid Box is held at Reception in each individual Office.  Each SUMO Group van is equipped with a First Aid Box and it is the responsibility of all SUMO Group Employees using the van to ensure it is adequately stocked and items have not expired.


The following items are suggested contents:   

  • A leaflet giving guidance on First Aid e.g. HSE leaflet “Basic advice on first aid at work”.

  • Assorted sizes of individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings.

  • Two sterile eye pads.

  • Four individually wrapped triangular sterile bandages and a selection of safety pins.

  • Six medium sized (approximately 12cm x 12cm) individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound dressings.

  • Two large (approximately 18cm x 18cm) sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings.

  • Disposal surgical gloves.


Tablets or personal medicines must not be kept in the first-aid box.


11. Health & Welfare Arrangements


Welfare Facilities


SUMO undertakes the vast majority of their surveys on client’s sites where welfare facilities (mess and toilets) are made available to SUMO for the duration of the works either by the client and/or the principal contractor.  Where such facilities are not available on site SUMO will arrange for welfare facilities at the accommodation used by the surveyors, if the works are of such duration to warrant accommodation, otherwise suitable welfare facilities will be provided by the company or details of nearest public convenience will be included in the Method Statement depending on the duration of the project.


Sickness Absence


In the event of long term sickness each Individual Group Company will:

  • Keep in contact with sick Employees.

  • Involve Employees in planning their return to work and enable Employees to return to work on a part-time basis were appropriate.

  • Where possible, adjust or remove any aspects of the job that make return to work difficult

  • Where possible, offer an alternative job if necessary.


It is an employee’s responsibility to:

  • Keep in contact with the Company and enquire about the news from work to keep you informed of the Company’s activities.

  • Talk to your doctor about your job and about returning to work.

  • Inform your employer about specific problems that make your return difficult.

  • Where possible, make an informal visit to your employer to discuss your return to work plan.


Please refer to the Companies Absence and Sick Pay Policy for comprehensive information and guidance


12. Lighting


The Company undertakes to provide sufficient and suitable lighting within the workplace.

When SUMO Group Employees are working at night and where site lighting is required, the Client will supply it.  In the event that it is not supplied, SUMO Group Employees should make the appropriate Departmental Manager aware immediately so appropriate action can be taken.


13. Livestock


No employees should work in an area where they are in direct contact with livestock due to the risks.


14. Lone Workers


Each Individual Group Company is responsible for assessing risks to lone workers and taking steps to avoid or control risk from lone working.


SUMO Group Employees have a responsibility to take reasonable care of themselves and other people affected by their work and to co-operate with their employers in meeting their legal obligations.


Each individual Group Company undertakes to:

  • Monitor people working alone where there is a high risk.

  • Trackers fitted to vehicles and monitored

  • Ensure regular contact between the lone worker and appropriate Departmental Manager      using a telephone.

  • Avoid lone working in high-risk areas during out-of-hours. 


Where there is a requirement by the Client for a SUMO Group Employee to work alone, the Client will be asked to provide a person to be on site for the duration that the SUMO Group Employee is on site.


A Duty Manager will undertake operations support for “out of hours” working.

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